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Joe, officially, addressed his "disappearance" on Tally Hall's June 15 Ustream, over a year after his original disappearance occurred. "My personal life and my professional life intersected in a way that may have been considered unsavory," he explained. "Given that conflict, I was unable to tour." No band members have given a further explanation to this statement.
Joe, officially, addressed his "disappearance" on Tally Hall's June 15 Ustream, over a year after his original disappearance occurred. "My personal life and my professional life intersected in a way that may have been considered unsavory," he explained. "Given that conflict, I was unable to tour." No band members have given a further explanation to this statement.
                              == Transphobia Allegations.(and racism)(and grooming) ==
After Joe Hawley was asked to put pronouns in his bio to show solidarity with trans folks (which Ross and Andrew recently did), he instead:
demanded that they (youngest being 15) explain why he should care
started deleting all comments related to it
called trans and nonbinary people “transvestites” and the h slur. [ID: An Instagram conversation between Joe and an anonymous messenger.]
Joe: Is this [redacted] or not
Messenger: No? I don’t know who that is
Joe: Not sure if I believe you
Joe: but defy your biology at your risk. (h slur) seem ok
Joe: Please try to stay on topic with public posts to my account
Messenger: I’ll restate that I am not [redacted], but please recognize the following you have and how many of those people are LGBTQ+
Note: The redacted name is one of his ex girlfriends.
[ID: A discord conversation with two people, both of their names are redacted with orange and green boxes.]
Orange: am actually genuinely afraid of this man
Orange: lemme spill some tea
Orange: so basically im a semi active user of facebook so i liked TH and their solo projects' facebook pages
Orange: normal, wanted news for their stuff
Orange: then it just so happens that joe shared a cover for aristotle's denial and i left a normie comment like "sounds cool thanks for sharing "
Orange: b###h sent me a friend request
Green: are you… female
Orange: HA
Orange: yes
Green: god damn that's creepy
Orange: lmao i thought it was a poser acc?
Green: no the dude definitely creeps on - how old are you? like how old were you when this happened?
Orange: like god damn who would ever think Mr Joe of the Hawley would ever send a friend request to a dumb b###h like me
Orange: it happened a couple months ago like im 19
Still (as of 2019) Joe defends Banana Man is “racial”, not racist, and that the stereotyped vocals and lyrics are a tribute to how Harry Belafonte also put on an exaggerated Jamaican accent to sing. But Belafonte is actually Jamaican by birth.
                        MISTREATING COLLABORATORS (2016 -> Present)
Joe’s ex-girlfriend didn’t want her voice in Hoodz in the Woodz but had to ask multiple times to be removed (note the time difference between the two emails), and she was treated rudely when he finally complied.Her flute solo was left in the final track.
[ID: An email conversation between Joe and his ex girlfriend]
Re: “Hoods in the Woods (feat. [REDACTED] and Alex Kessler)
On Feb 24, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Joseph Hawley wrote:
Yes, this is still in progress. There will be rhymes (you're welcome to try anything you hear) Your Dragon Warrior might also work as a sample
On February 24, 2016 at 9:09 PM, [redacted, along with her email] wrote:
I’d rather you not use anything of mine, although I understand at the time I recorded Faron Woods for Bora/you/this
[next image]
On Jul 9, 2016, at 6:10 PM, [redacted, along with her email] wrote:
What do I have to do to get my work and my name removed from your remarkably lackluster “hip-hop” project? Name your price.
On Jul 9, 2016, at 6:12 PM, Joseph Hawley wrote:
Rude. Consider it done. You and [redacted] should be ashamed of yourselves. Don't contact me again.
[redacted] wrote:
I'm rude? I asked you to not use my work. If you cared about me, ever, or about anyone other than yourself, you'd have done this already.
You're a disgrace, and the only thing I have to be ashamed of is ever having seen anything in you
Lemon Demon/Neil Cicierega never got back to Joe over his offer to collaborate on JHJH. While he never publicly stated why, it's likely because Joe's ex and Neil's wife are (apparently) friends. Joe has offered for Lemon Demon to be on his personal “hip-hop” album Joe Hawley Joe Hawley, but Neil Cicierega never responded and appears to avoid contact with Joe. Important to note that this is just hearsay, and has yet to be confirmed.
Joe Hawley has a history of leaving people completely in the dark when collaborating with those who work with him, and monetizing fan-made content as his own, along with making albums filled with illegal samples.
When Tally Hall went on their Good & Evil tour, Joe infamously had to leave mid-tour because he went to court about violating a restraining order on a woman he stalked. He has confessed to it, at least partially.
[ID: A conversation between a “friend” and Joe, on June 6th, 2018]
Messenger: I don’t intend to
Messenger: That would only make it worse
Joe: It was tough enough without her compounding it during my effort to be there for her during her fight with terminal cancer
Messenger: Yeah it seems as if people have twisted this story ten fold
Joe: The Haffey thing was serious
Messenger: It sounds like it!
Messenger: As long as you’re comfortable with your current self, i.e with (purple redacted name) and so on, then there is no need to look back
Joe: (purple) is not a girlfriend
Messenger: Did (red redacted name) wrongly accuse you of something and then got you sent to Brooklyn court? Joe: I’d rather not discuss it anymore; (red redacted name) could clear my name and help me feel better about the situation, but she chooses to remain aloof
Messenger: I understand, I won’t understand the situation but I’m glad you were able to vent it out dude
Joe: Please do not try to find/contact her. This is the information with which (yellow redacted name) appears to have run
Messenger: I don’t intend to
Messenger: That would only make it worse
The messenger was a fan before she met Joe, and they had/have(?) some sort of relationship which no one is sure of the nature of. She was 23 when they met. He was 35. The maturity gap there should be noted as particularly weird. This is a pattern with women that Joe chooses to interact with. This statement is not about legality, either. It’s about the maturity gap. [ID: An anonymous tumblr ask from Joe’s ex girlfriends tumblr]
Anon: “i used to really like joe hawley but seeing the things you say about him has really opened my eyes… i probably won’t be supporting his music-making anymore. It hurts to see that he’s such an awful person after i looked up to him so much but i can’t even imagine how much pain he’s caused YOU, so my feelings don’t even compare. Thanks for your posts. I’d rather know the truth than to “idolize” someone so gross.”
His ex: “Thank you for the words of support!
Sometimes I wish I were less… vindictive(?) but he really has made my life varying degrees of miserable for the past year. He “advised” me against telling people about us, he tried for many months to get me to quit my cancer treatment (which would be, uh, fatal) and for a lot of the time he made me feel lucky to be dealing with all of it. It was an extremely unhealthy relationship. And the more mutual friends I talk to about him, the more I know that I’m far from the only one he mistreats.
Also, I guess he lowballed his fundraiser goal, and/but now he’s obligated to fulfill all the shirt/cd rewards or whatever they’re called? I gave a feeling he’s going to come up with a BUNCH of disappointed fans… which is a shame, but I’m hoping it’ll force him to acknowledge what a fu##up he’s become. (it’s not likely - I’m sure he’ll find someone to blame, because he is, of course, a perfect beacon of a human being)” [IMG DESC: A photo of a tumblr post.]
“He dropped the whole police thing, unfriended me, and blocked my number. What a classy guy”
His ex had/has(?) a tumblr blog which had a LOT of claims against him, however it is also something that i am unaware of the link/I have no contact for her. She was also an ex fan who was younger when she met Joe.
The excuse that “she was a fan before, she’s only saying this to sabotage his career” does not defend Joe. Think about that statement for just one second. He specifically targets younger fans of his music and consistently victimises himself. [ID: a screenshot of a tumblr anonymous ask from two years ago.]
Joe was fired from a volunteer job after trying to pressure minors into taking psychedelics.
From personal accounts of what they can remember of the evidence of screenshots, the drugs that Joe admitted to giving to minors were rosewood seeds, a well-known psychedelic.
Anon: Why does no one care what a dirtbag he is! He’s been abusive in several ways to several women! He got fired from a VOLUNTEER gig for pushing psychedelic substances on minors! (keysmash)
His ex: i care. joe hawley should be in prison.
[IMG ID: A discord conversation between one writer of this doc (green) and a person recalling the screenshots (red)]
Green: I do wish we had whatever screenshots supposedly proved the “giving minors psychoactive substances” thing though because that’s still just hearsay
Red: i totes saw those screenshots i don’t know what happened to them
Green: yeah enough people seem to remember that i figured it was worth keeping in
Green: it’s one thing to say “adults should be held accountable for their actions” and it’s another thing to realize that whatever consequences come from there on out will be in part by your hand, so forgive the sudden neuroticism here
Red: it was so dumb too he was like “it’s a matter of opinion that rosewood is a psychedelic, you could say that anything is a psychedelic if you want to” or some #hit like that (i only vaguely remember what he said but it was something along those lines)

=== Miracle Musical ===
=== Miracle Musical ===