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Website FAQs

Category: Website FAQs

Well, the site is run by the fans. They provide the content with which to fill it up! But Coz Baldwin built the site in 2006, and acted as administrator over it until his death in 2022. Since then, the site has been run by Joshface, who commands a small team of likeminded friends who help out also.

You can find out more about the late, great Coz at: www.cozbaldwin.com.

If you need to contact me, please visit the contact page.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy it!

Category: Website FAQs

There used to be an easter egg. There is no longer.

There used to be a cellphone sticking out of Zubin’s shirt pocket. If you clicked on it, you were presented with the option of giving HITS your name and phone number. The database was accessible by Tally Hall who would occasionally call people on the list while they were out on tour. It was dubbed a “Tally Call.”

There was another much less impressive easter egg during one of the incarnations of the site design. If you clicked the ties in the header image, the background of the site would change to that tie color.

Category: Website FAQs

Well, I (Coz) started the Official LiveJournal community for the band.  It took off and I often wondered if I should build a real fansite.  I figured I had all the necessary info on the LJ though and it was free, so why pay for a big ol’ website?  Well, the fans on the forums spoke up and they decided it would be great to have a real fansite for Tally Hall.  So I decided to set out on building the ultimate Tally Hall fan headquarters.

This site is constantly evolving and really relies on the input by its visitors, the fans of Tally Hall.